Q: Will people be able to buy beer and cigarettes with food stamps starting Jan 2015?

A : Nope.

It’s really that simple of an answer. Nah,nope,not happening.
It’s a rumor started among Conservative punditry.

That’s it. The end.

Now, I’ve also been asked to talk about this meme circulated by a few of the liberal Facebook pages:

This applies to cuts to the WIC program. It’s not related to food stamps at all. $93 million cut from WIC is a pretty big deal, especially since many low income families who JUST barely qualify for SNAP can still qualify for WIC. BUT $6.6 billion was added to the WIC budget specifically for white potatoes. So, there’s that.

Read more about what the spending bill entailed: What’s in the spending bill

The money spent on the F-35 would be enough to buy every homeless person in the country a mansion.

via Truth.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is looking like a very costly mistake for the U.S. military.

How costly? According to an analysis by ThinkProgress, the money spent on the F-35 would be enough to buy every homeless person in the country a mansion.

Read more

Now, every homeless person doesn’t really need a mansion but I understand why they used that to demonstrate the obscene spending here. I’d rather we find modest housing for everyone who needs it and then have some jingle leftover to feed the people who struggle with food insecurity. And we’d probably have some leftover for the other things that benefit society & low income families, like childcare  subsidies.